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Comments for: Roh Rohy.
Lyrics: Roh Rohy
English Font & Translation

Roh, roh, roh rohi.
Soul, soul, soul of my soul.
Roh, roh, roh rohi.
Soul, soul, soul of my soul.
Roh, roh, roh rohi.
Soul, soul, soul of my soul.
Roh, roh, roh rohi.
Soul, soul, soul of my soul.
Ya a´ayesh jiwaat rohi.
Oh, you who live inside my soul.
Ya imwakef dakaat aalbi.
You who stop my heart´s beats.
Ya balsam li-jrohi.
You who are the cure for my wounds.

Ain, ain, ain, ain.
Eye, eye, eye, eye.
Baktoub ismak a´ala ijbini.
I write your name on my forehead.
Bawhiblak ayyam omri iw-koul sneini.
I dedicate to you all my life´s days and years.

Daab, daab, daab, bouya.
Melted, melted, melted, oh father.
Ana aalbi daab, bouya.
My heart melted, oh father.
Koul il-a´azab arham min a´azabi.
All sufferings are more merciful than mine.
Habibi la itgheib a´ani.
My darling, do not wither away.
Ghiyabak bey-janninni.
your absence is making me crazy.
Billahi taminni a´an ahbabi.
In God´s name put my mind at ease about my loved one.

Roh, roh, roh rohi.
Soul, soul, soul of my soul.
Ya a´ayesh jiwaat rohi.
Oh, you who live inside my soul.
Ya imwakef dakaat aalbi.
You who stop my heart´s beats.
ya balsam li-jrohi.
you who are the cure for my wounds.

Kaif, kaif, kaif haalak?
How, how, how are you?
Ana jayeh kirmaalak.
I am coming for your sake.
Aldounya balak wallahi ma ibtihlaali.
The universe without you is not beautiful at all.
Habibi iw-ya roh albi,
My darling and my heart´s soul,
Ila´eisheh balaak saa´beh.
Life without you is very hard.
Bahibbak, wihyaat rabbi.
I love you, I swear by my god´s life.
Inta ghaali.
You are precious.

Roh, roh, roh rohi.
Soul, soul, soul of my soul.
Ya a´ayesh jiwaat rohi.
Oh, you who live inside my soul.
Ya imwakef dakaat aalbi.
You who stop my heart´s beats.
ya balsam li-jrohi.
you who are the cure for my wounds.

Taar, taar, taar a´akli
Flew, flew, flew away.
Min raasi taar a´akli.
My brain from my head flew away.
Inta habibi walla inta ijnouni?
Are you my lover or are you my madness?
Habibi iw-ya jbeen a´ali.
My darling with a high forehead.
Ana feek ibshouf haali.
In you, I am showing off.
Ma ibyighla a´alaik ghaali.
There is nothing precious for you, precious one.
Inta a´youni.
You are my eyes.

Roh, roh, roh rohi.
Soul, soul, soul of my soul.
Ya a´ayesh jiwaat rouhi.
Oh, you who live inside my soul.
Ya imwakef dakaat aalbi.
You who stop my heart´s beats.
ya balsam li-jrouhi.
you who are the cure for my wounds.

Ain, ain, ain, ain.
Eye, eye, eye, eye.
Baktoub ismak a´ala ijbini.
I write your name on

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